“Dismember the Coop” is a charity horror anthology of stories inspired by the music of Alice Cooper, both the group and solo. The proceeds from sales go to support the Solid Rock Teen Centers, an organization setup by Alice and Sheryl Cooper that benefits the disadvantaged youth in the Phoenix area. To learn more about […]
Category: Publications
New Short Story Published!
I’ve long been a fan of B-horror movies. Sometimes, the worse it is, the better it is. “Blood Orgy of the She-Devils,” anyone? 🙂 So when I had the opportunity to submit a story for an anthology dedicated to the genre, I jumped at it, and I am honored my story was accepted. As I […]
“Sting of Hope” Gains Dual Citizenship
Back in 2019 when I first self-published “Sting of Hope,” it was primarily to help me navigate the world of self-publishing via Kindle Direct. While I’m happy to work with an established publisher, I also am willing to do it all myself if necessary, and that short story served as a good way to dip […]
New Short Story Published!
Interestingly enough, I actually had written up this post back when this book was released, but for whatever reason, I never pushed “Publish” to send it out into the world. Oh well, as My Gorgeous Bride, Carrie, will tell you, I am nothing if not absent-minded. 🙂 There’s a wonderful new book out, “Fill The […]
New Short Story Published!
A brand new anthology of dark fantasy/horror western short stories has been published, titled “Six Guns Straight From Hell 3,” and I am honored to have a story included in it! This story is one of my favorites, and I’m glad it found a home. It’s a cautionary tale about making sure, when visiting a […]