“Dismember the Coop” is a charity horror anthology of stories inspired by the music of Alice Cooper, both the group and solo. The proceeds from sales go to support the Solid Rock Teen Centers, an organization setup by Alice and Sheryl Cooper that benefits the disadvantaged youth in the Phoenix area. To learn more about […]
Category: Horror
Review: “Population 436” (2006)
I was cruising along Amazon Prime Video, which is totally worth the price for the movies, not to mention the free shipping, looking for something to watch when I ran across this one. I thought the premise was decent, but it also had Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit in it. Not sure if this was […]
Review: “Love Life” by Matt Shaw (2011)
Matt Shaw is well known in the publishing world for his extreme horror, which doesn’t bother me in the least, so when I was able to find this available on Kindle Unlimited, I went ahead and grabbed it. I wanted to get a sense for what people have been talking about since, for whatever reason, […]
Review: “The Hellbound Heart” by Clive Barker (1986)
Most people know the Hellraiser movie series was based on a novella by Clive Barker, and of course, this is that novella. It was originally released in 1986, and the Hellraiser franchise started in 1987. I first read “The Hellbound Heart” back in the late eighties, as the movies led me to Barker’s work, and […]
Review: “Murmur” by Patrick Freivald (2020)
I’m always excited to discover new writers, so when I had the opportunity to get a copy of the ARC for “Murmur” from the author, I jumped at it. Needless to say, even though the book was provided to me at no cost, I am under no obligation to provide a positive review. That said, […]
Review: “The Girl Who Played with the Ouija Board” by William Malmborg (2020)
I’m always looking for new authors to discover, especially in the horror genre. So when I saw this one had jumped above Stephen King’s “If It Bleeds” on the Amazon charts and was available on Kindle Unlimited, I definitely had to check it out. The story picks up with Penny, the main character, who had […]